Donate to OBS
To make a donation to OBS, please use one of the following methods:
- Donate using etransfer to
Join OBS
To join OBS, first please read and understand the the members’ code of ethics:
Aspire to climb and boulder with minimal impact
Maintain a low profile
Use existing trails
Dispose of human waste properly
Understand and respect historical ethics and restrictions
Respect local rules
Park and camp only in designated areas
Climb and boulder safely
Be aware and protective of the local ecosystem
To join, fill out the form below, or alternatively, a printable form may be downloaded and emailed to
Please make a payment of $20.00 using one of the following methods:
- Pay using etransfer to
- Pay using PayPal by clicking here
The undersigned applies for membership in the Okanagan Bouldering Society (the ‘Society’) and agrees to pay a lifetime membership fee of $20.00 to the Society.
The applicant acknowledges and agrees that, as a member of the Society, he or she must adhere to the Society’s Code of Ethics as established and amended by the Board of Directors of the Society from time to time.
The applicant consents to the Society sending by e-mail any notice, statement, report, or other record required or permitted by the Societies Act (British Columbia) or the Bylaws of the Society to be sent to the undersigned and provides the e-mail address set out below for that purpose.